Sunday, April 4, 2010

March 28 - 365 Days

Easter Came Early

Family was gonna be out of town so Easter was a week early. I don't know -drawn to black and white photo. But should Easter with colorful things always be in color?

March 26 - 365 Days

Post Surgery
Day 2

After the surgery and no sleep (darn anesthetics) Cloudy is recouping.

March 25 - 365 Days

Surgery Time
stitches with a drain tube

Cloudy got in a snuffle with Shadow when a psycho cat decided to jump REALLY high and attach itself to ourr screened window. The scratch she got became abcessed. So there goes some dollars!

March 22 - 365 Days

Cloudy was found under my jacket snugglin' in a basket.

March 21 - 365 Days

Got Braids??
And I thought she makes ME pull my hair out.
I never know what Alysa is up to next!??!

March 20 - 365

BeeBee gets a Bath!!!! Learning how to truly take care of the needs of an inside bunny has been sometimes a challenge. Certain foods can cause problems. She was really stinky and it was disgusting what had to be done to help her feel better on the "under carriage". Yuck! But pretty once again.

March 19 - 365 Days

New Moon Twilight DVD Release Day

Wearing some of the items Titi Tami sent for xmas. And the free tshirt from Summit Entertainment.

People wanted to know where she got that HUGE Edward button!!! Thanks Tam!
Her and Auntie Katie are quite the pair!

March 18 - 365 Blog

Bee's Ears
We always though bunny ears should be long and tall. What happened beebee?? Cute and dainty!

I was gonna do I few days of body parts of BeeBee to guess what she is. But after missing so many days to catch up, too many other things have occurred as you will see in my newer posts. Which some will not get posted cause my camera cord went MIA. UGH!

March 17 - 365 Blog

BeeBee's Sniffer

She is our Lion Headed Bunny

Only if she could smell
with that sniffer how
stinky she can get.